Products Used | ApronSeal™ Single Skirting , Slider Cradle |
Product Types Used | Transfer Point Solutions , Belt Alignment , Belt Support |
Solutions | Installation |
Industry | Cement |
Customer | Holcim Cement, Orizaba, Mexico |

The Holcim cement plant in Orizaba, Mexico was experiencing increased costs due to fugitive cargo and dust piling around the plant’s petroleum coke conveyor transfer point. Material blocked access, degraded conveyor components and required expensive maintenance. Outsourced labor using rented equipment needed weekly downtime to clean the area, further raising the cost of operation and lowering production.

After performing a thorough assessment, the Martin team presented a detailed proposal. Technicians installed a Martin® MD Impact Cradle to quickly settle material. Martin® Slider Cradles were fitted along the chute box to center the load and Martin® ApronSeal Skirting was added to contain fugitive material and dust.

Since installation, the operator reports an 80% reduction in spillage and only a single occurrence of downtime for cleanup in a two-month period. The result is lower maintenance costs, better safety conditions and increased production, causing management to review similar solutions for other transfer points throughout the plant.

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While your problem seems unique and frustrating, with 70+ years of solving similar problems around the world, and with the most experienced and educated people on our teams, we can assure you that we’ve “Been There, Done That.” At least close enough to know what needs to be done next and adjust for your situation.
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